Hot Air Balloon Company
Hot Air Balloon Rides
Hot Air Balloon Rides Dallas
When we fly
Balloon flights occur year around. Certain times of the year offer better temperatures and more flyable days. Balloon flights are possible on days the weather is nice. This means a day without storms, rain or high winds. The ideal day occurs under the influence of High Pressure for the Weather Channel Savy.
More specific, balloon flights occur on those nice days when the winds are less than 10 mph on the surface, no fog or low lying clouds. We also depend on stable atmosphere conditions. This means no daytime heating from the sun. For this reason, our flights occur predominately at sunrise only. We will on occasion schedule Sunset flights which launch 1.5 hours before official sunset. The winds are more fickle in the evenings so patience and flexibility are key if this is your choice of time.

Beginning in January , the number of potential flight days increases each month until reaching a peak in August and September. However, during the months of July through middle of September, the hot temperatures are avoided due to excessive strain on man and machine. It could be done, it simply would be no fun flying in extreme morning humidity and temperatures.
Peak flight days are in full swing in September and October and gradually taper off each week through the end of the year. The most important fact is flying does exist year around in the North Texas Area.
Flights during the weekdays are possible, but require some patience in scheduling unless booked as Private VIP.
You should expect that the total time spent taking a free flight with us will take 3-4 hours of your time. We meet approximately one hour prior to launch. Our meeting site varies depending on the passenger flight load. We also fly different parts of the area depending on wind direction. Our meeting points are easy to find, public parking lots such as grocery stores or retail shopping areas and are always on major roads. If you are from out of town and here without a vehicle, no problem, we will pick you up.
Upon arrival, we are easy to find. We are the group that has a hot air balloon basket and other equipment in tow. On morning flights, we meet 45 minutes before the sun rises. If after booking your flight, we will confirm with you 24 hours in advance.

After meeting us, it is time to go fly. We head for one of our launch sites where you get to experience the entire process of inflating the balloon, making it ready to fly, taking some wonderful and unique pictures and ultimately climbing aboard. Thats when the fun really begins as you discover how gentle balloon flights are.
You will experience no bumps, no wind as the balloon moves with the light breeze and you will see nature in a way that is unique to the sport of hot air ballooning. Don't be surprised to see deer and other animals in thier natural habitat. You will be amazed to notice how children and people come out and wave or say hello as we drift over thier heads.
Your Air Adventure Aloft last approximately one hour in the air. It varies only slightly as your pilot locates a suitable landing spot to set the balloon down in order that the deflation process can begin.
Once the balloon deflation process begins, we treat you to the traditional Champagne toast with some other treats. If you don't drink champagne, no worries, we have other beverages such as orange juice or water to complete the traditional post flight toast.
The only thing left is for the flight party to return to the meeting point for some final good bys and to settle any outstanding business. As previously stated, the whole experience takes no less than 3 hours of your time and only in rare occassions does it take up to 5 hours. Time in and time out, the average is just under 4 hours.